Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The second week of London

As I've lived a second week in London it is becoming clear that this is a city which is extremely alive. London is a city in which you cannot escape finding something interesting. I am constantly assaulted by the sheer amount of life that is teeming in the streets of London. Last week I emerged onto Trafalgar square from the National Gallery to find a Malaysian Cultural festival. Again, later that week I walked out of my apartment building only to find the Petticoat Lane market was stationed between me and the tube station.

My good friend Alex Pinelli was able to come visit me during his fall break from UVa. After meeting him in my lobby and leading him to the beigel shop down brick lane (best value on a bagel with lox that I've ever seen). We then took to exploring and went on a walk that lasted for many miles and had us traverse all the way to Westminster along the south bank of the Thames and from there to Buckingham Palace where we found a parade going along

After that we ended up going on a rather roundabout journey for fish and chips (which we eventually found at Golden Union) before taking the long, but exceptionally nice, walk back to my building. After relaxing a bit we went out to a curry place renowned on the internet called Tayyabs just a bit east and south of Brick Lane. The food was amazing and we ate for about ten pounds so it was quite the deal. It was the first time I'd ever been served a naan with meat inside and that is certainly a new favorite for me. Waiting for a table in the restaurant (because I was dumb and failed to call ahead) was a painful aromatic experience as I desperately looked on at others receiving their food. The payoff of my own meal of lamb with dal was completely worth it though. 

The next day Alex and I made our way through Brick Lane's sunday market and I acquired some excellent burmese chicken in coconut curry before heading over to the London Eye. The London Eye (which is this fantastically large ferris wheel on the Thames) gave an amazing view of the city that really allowed me to have perspectives on London I would never have seen otherwise. While a tourist trap and a little pricey it was definitely worthwhile. 

Alex and I hung out a bit more Monday and went out to a local pub before I saw him off on Tuesday morning. Later in the week I got a chance to spend a good deal of time in the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery (both of which I thoroughly enjoyed, especially the impressionist collection in the National Gallery which had some of my favorite Van Gogh's I've ever seen). 

1 comment:

  1. I love the description of how you felt waiting for your table! I am so proud of you to be taking advantage all the London has to offer
